Aug. 1st. 2014 New Location..

August 17, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


We'll see.. I still think I'm okay with maybe a slight lean to thinking I might have something with this Photography thing.. Ever since the first night I met Olga in her private Gallery on Clinton St. in Nashville which was across from the Marathon Music Works Cabin Fever Hey Day Event and she took me to the Arcade to show me the wall I needed to be on, I thought wow this Gallery is the place to have your work to sell, It has a lot of traffic from the American Pickers across the street and lots of other events and business in the Marathon building.

Well the other day I was by her Gallery picking up the key so I could take my turn and be the Artist represented sales person in the "O" Gallery in the Arcade that opens 1-4 PM every Saturday. Olga kinda dropped a hint that she may want to let me be in that Gallery. Later that day I was back to drop off the key and she ask me if I wanted a wall and it was in a great location. I thought about it and later that night I txt her and excepted that offer. As far as I know I'm the only other artist she has ask to take a wall in that Gallery. It is more likely that I was in the right place at the right time.... (refer to Plan or Coincidence) I took the wall.

It is a challenge I have to bring in my work that is different from hers. She does Nashville so other than the Pedestrian Bridge I won't have Nashville or Parthenon in that Gallery. Life is full of challenges right. She said bring Antique stuff, like the trucks. So we set up the wall and first week I had a sell "Ol School" Yeah!!!! The next week I had another sell "Ol School". Yeah!!!  Well see what time has to tell.




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