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Created 6-Jul-18
12 photos

76-17 Gas Pumps Artistic Touch Colored Pencil.51-14P Through The Looking Glass Dashboard Artistic Touch Colored Pencil.34-14P  Out To Pasture Artistic Touch Colored Pencil.69-18P Jack Daniels Artistic Touch Colored Pencil.22-13P Grandpa's Truck Artistic Touch Colored Pencil.75-07 The Photographer Artistic Touch Colored Pencil.74-07 Early Fishing in Maine Artistic Touch Colored Pencil.Nashville Night Artistic Color Pencil Touch.39-08P Purple Passion Artistic Touch Colored Pencil.55-14P West Bound Train Artistic Touch Colored Pencil.59-17P Natahala Artistic Touch Colored Pencil.73-07 Boats of Maine Artistic Touch Colored Pencil.

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